Friday, March 25, 2011

008 Sewer song 3/5

Part three of Music For Spiders And Raccoons. FYI, there's a fair bit of low rumbling bass that probably doesn't translate well with average computer speakers. Good headphones or subwoofers are recommended.

3 (from Music For Spiders And Raccoons)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

007 Drain music 2 of 5

Part Two of Music For Spiders And Raccoons.

2 (from Music For Spiders And Raccoons)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

006 Drain music first of five

So if you didn't make it to gallerywest in November, there was a soundtrack to my show there. Over the last couple years, I recorded ambient sound and a bit of wordless singing while shooting photos in drains and sewers. I took some of those, plugged in a keyboard, programmed a few drumbeats, and ended up with an album's worth of music that I called "Music For Spiders And Raccoons." Here's part one of five.

1 (from Music For Spiders And Raccoons)